Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Colion Noir on Open Carry

I knew if he made enough videos eventually we'd agree on something.


  1. A pretty good percentage of gun owners would likely agree with his opinion on this subject. Open carry with a permit is quite legal in Minnesota. I don't personally, but its a perfectly legal option. Its even legal to carry in the state capitol.
    Its quite possible to open carry without being a dick.

  2. Well, then, welcome to our side. He says that the Second Amendment recognizes our right to own and carry firearms. I'm glad that you agree.

    1. Now, now, now, you know that's not the part I agreed with.

  3. Mike, open carry is well accepted in a lot of places, others not so much even if its legal. The problem with open carry in places its legal but not accepted so much is because its not practiced as much as it probably should be and the population there has been taught to fear it. Or have a fear of the individual who is carrying in a way to alarm or just to be in your face about it.

    In Texas open carry (handgun) is not legal on public property but is accepted far more than actually seen. Seems backwards doesn't it?

    Legal open carry but not really welcomed in those places would draw unwanted attention if your being to brazen and obvious, altho not doing anything illegal, but being a dick about it is just like a loud mouth show off. At that point you are just being an attention hoar.

    How you dress, the holster you use and your attitude towards others in general and with the way you carry yourself will either project to everyone that you project obvious open carry or your carry piece disappears even tho its open.

    Like I said before, I do open carry and deal with public everyday, but on private property. Never have a raised eyebrow and most don't even notice and its because I don't project the fact I am carrying at all. And also like I said, open carry in Texas on public property is illegal, I goofed up one day and went to the store for supplies and forgot to cover it. I rarely leave work during the day so I just flat forgot that I was still open carrying but went to two stores, even had a short conversation with a local police officer in one of the stores and went back to work. No mention from the officer or any raised eyebrows or anything. I didn't project the fact that I was carrying at all and the gun, as large as it is, disappeared.

    You can be a dick without ever opening your mouth. With that you can be a dick about anything you do, wearing a red shirt for example if that's what you want to project. Or you can just peacefully blend in and go about your business and no one notices.

    But if you are dick to law enforcement, you get what you deserve. They have a duty to protect the public as a whole, not the individual. But if the individual acts like a dick, it can be perceived that the individual can be a threat to the public.
