Friday, June 29, 2012

CQC 3 Gun retention

Isn't the gun loon mythology that the "goblin" starts to cower once the gun is pulled?
Unfortunately, that isn't the case in the "real world".
 Cops and the military train on this stuff, or at least they SHOULD train on these tactics if they are going to carry.

I hope this stuff gives you nightmares about "goblins" grabbing your guns and using them against you.


  1. "I hope this stuff gives you nightmares about "goblins" grabbing your guns and using them against you."

    Actually it does. The NRA presented a seminar on the subject at their annual meeting in St. Louis this year.

  2. Let's just pray that the blackoperps and other undesirables haven't been watchin' teh Youtoobz. And, let's hope that they're all acommodating enough to let the heeero get himself into a good defensive combat position before they hit him over the head or kick him in the nuts, also, too.

  3. Ah, democommie, you know just how to give me a chuckle!

    Bonus points for our readers who can correctly identify what CQC stands for in this context.

    I've heard to many of our now largely departed gun zombies who are just so darned sure they're always going to win when they pull their magic fetish object, and how they are in control of that fetish object while they're sleeping.

    I have a serious problem with the assumptions of the gun nuts about their safety and the control they have over their firearms.

    They are a greater danger than they are a help, and their overconfidence is a significant part of that problem.
