Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Ian Garland, Owner of Chaparral Guns Tries to Wiggle Out of His Deal

Almost five months after 14 border residents entered into plea agreements in a case charging them with trafficking firearms to Mexican cartels, the owner of the gun store alleged to have sold the weapons is attempting to withdraw his guilty plea.
His guilty plea was in exchange of only a five-year sentence. He was facing much more. Maybe now he thinks he can do even better for himself.

What do you think? Please leave a comment.


  1. His chief crime is that he didn't sell those guns under the orders of the ATF.

  2. Greg Camp:

    Do you really think that people reading any statement like this are gonna say, "Oh, yeah, he's a reasonable guy.".

    It's jerk-offs like you that give decent humans who happen to like gunz a bad name.

    His chief crime was that he violated firearms laws in order to get rich and he gave not the slightest fuck about anyone else being injured or killed. Fuck him, he's a piece of shit.

    If I was a vigilante like you I'd be calling for that guy'z head for his bad acts that reflect on the rest of you. But, no, that would be breaking ranks, wouldn't it?

  3. So when the ATF orders guns sent to Mexico, even over the objections of gunshop owners, that's just fine?

  4. Greg Camp:

    I know that reading comprehension is a challenge, but it seems that you still don't have a grasp of the fact that my thinking that scumbagz who violate gunzlawz should go to jail, does NOT = I lovez me some ATF.

    "Everybody else does it" is, I'm fairly certain, not an affirmative defense.

  5. Greg, this isn't about the Fast and Furious deal. This is about Chaparral Guns. This is about a dirty player who made a plea agreement and is now trying to change it.

    Do you have any comment on that.

  6. If his lawyer thinks that a better deal is possible, then he should try for it. That's our system. What he did is a crime and should be punished. My point in noting the Fast and Furious scandal was to observe that one has to work for the government to get away with some crimes.

  7. " My point in noting the Fast and Furious scandal was to observe that one has to work for the government to get away with some crimes."

    Your point was obfuscation.

    Ian Garland is a piece of shit, he should die in prison, just like all of those sex criminals that you hate.
