Thursday, December 8, 2011

A Comment Worthy of Deletion

It came by e-mail, though.

Your a fucking IDIOT shame you didnt join the aliens with the heavens gate movement back in 2000
 But dont worry if an alien ship doe appear I WILL BE THE FIRST TO SHOOT AT IT..besides didnt all you pussies in the uk decide not to be able to defend yourselves a long time ago?  That's why we kiched your asses the  germans kicked your ass in fact everyone on the planet did except the french..but thats only because theyre to worried about getting their ass kicked,,,,,,,FUCK YOU,,FUCK YOUR ALIENS,AND YOUR DEAR SWEET MUM,,,God Damn the Queen
Is that a riot, or what? One serious point for some of our critics who think we indiscriminately delete comments, I offer this one as an example of what I think is deletion-worthy. There have been worse too.

Another question that arises is how representative of the gun enthusiasts is this guy. I'd guess he represents a pretty good slice of them. They know their vituperative bullshit will rarely see the light of day, bit they're out there.

What's your opinion?  Please leave a comment.


  1. I am not sure where I would start with this--other than the person is ignorant.

    Perhaps, having him provide the Order of Battle for the Siege of Yorktown would be amusing.

    Whatever, it is amusing watching how ignorant people like to argue.

    But, I can think of more useful uses of my time.

  2. Since we're trading anecdotes, I'll note that I've met many gun owners over the time that I've been one, and the vast majority have been polite, open, and generous people. Yes, there have been a few jerks and a small number of wackos.

    Sounds like the general population, no?

    But while we're on the subject, I do recall multiple examples of language like that being used against me from some of the contributors here.

  3. C'mon Greg, you've been hit with some name calling but nothing like what that guy wrote.

    About gun owners being like the general population, this was the basis of one of my most loved posts ever. The Famous 10%, have you seen it?

  4. Mikeb302000,

    Perhaps you've missed the comments in which Laci expressed a desire to get within .39 inches of my face and explain to me how I'm an idiot. How about the frequent sexual insults and challenges that Laci makes? Let's also not forget Democommie's constant foul blitherings. Of course, he gets lost in the letter z so often that it's sometimes hard to tell what he's saying.

    Laci reminds me of my grandmother's Yorkie named Precious. A mean, vile little varmit, by the way. The only answer to that dog was never to back down.

    I do have to wonder why the others here can't just make their points and refrain from useless insults. It makes me wonder how rational some of you really are, that you can't keep a civil tongue.

    I don't mean you, Mikeb, in that observation.

  5. Greg:

    [Baby sounds] BAAAAWWWWWWWW!

    Sexual comments--That's British slang. I thought our English expert who knows the difference between "lay" and "lie" would at least know that.

    Greg, is there something you're not telling us?

    Is that why you need a penis substitute?

    Greg, you have been shown to be ignorant on quite a lot of topics. It's not so much that I am "all knowing" as much as you are really ignorant.

    The problem is that you don't get it--do you, Greg?

    No, Greg always willing to show us he has no idea of what he's talking about.

    And challenge the experts while he's at it.

    The he accuses us of being "elitist".

    As for getting in your face, Greg, you want the right to keep and bear arms, yet you don't want the responsibilities and duties that come with that right.

    One of which is having someone get in your face and tell you what an idiot you are.

    Maybe, one day--It will soak in.

  6. Gawd, Greg, you are so whiny.

    Then, Greg, you have just admitted that you incorrectly used the term.

    Wow, you love to put your foot in it.

    Is that a sexual comment as well?

    What does my sex life have to do with anything.

    Are you familiar with the ad hominem and that it is the last trick of the losing party.

    And as for your intelligence, Greg, as I said before knowing when someone does have more knowledge than you on a topic, it's pretty stupid to try to show have have a better knowledge of the topic.

    Unless, of course, you do enjoy making a fool of yourself.

  7. BTW, The Aussies have a good way to describe someone like Greg, but he would find the sexual imagry disturbing.

    Something you're not telling us, Greg?

  8. Well, at least I didn't insult you in French, German, or Dutch, Greg, since most of those insults refer to excrement.

    And I can speak all four languages (I'm including English)!

  9. I forgot to link to the post which prompted that comment. It's one of my favorites.

  10. Mikeb,

    The aliens whose picture you gave in your previous post are Talosians, a race that is dying off, thanks to its preference for illusion over reality. As of Jim Kirk's days on the Enterprise, visiting Talos is the only remaining crime in the Federation that will earn someone the death penalty.

    Perhaps they're not the best aliens to come judge our gun laws. Why not ask the Klingons?

  11. Good Star Trek knowledge, Greg. I'm liking you more and more all the time.
